12 Apr 2024

Rajah & Tann Asia celebrates 16 years of recognition as the world’s top 100 international arbitration practices

Rajah & Tann Asia (RTA) has been ranked in the Global Arbitration Review (GAR) 100 for the 16th consecutive year, demonstrating its consistent excellence and leadership in the field of international arbitration.

The GAR 100 is a prestigious annual ranking of the world's leading arbitration practices based on extensive research and feedback from clients and peers. Rajah & Tann Asia is one of the few firms in Asia that has been featured in the rankings every year since 2009, reflecting its strong track record and reputation in handling complex and high-value disputes across the region and beyond.

With the largest portfolio of work among the majority of firms in Asia, Rajah & Tann Asia's Regional International Arbitration team has been at the forefront of groundbreaking multi-billion-dollar matters in the region, spanning various sectors and jurisdictions. Some of the highlights include securing anti-suit injunctions, representing clients in high-stakes SIAC arbitrations worth millions, and persuading a Malaysian court to recognise a US$200 million ICSID award against Zimbabwe

RTA’s clients have also expressed their satisfaction and appreciation for the team's professionalism, competence, and responsiveness. According to the GAR100 research, one client praised the team as "competent," while another described them as "very experienced".

Deputy Managing Partner and Head of the International Arbitration Practice at Rajah & Tann Singapore, Kelvin Poon, SC, said, "We are extremely honoured and grateful to be recognised in the GAR100 rankings for the 16th year in a row. This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and expertise of our team, as well as the trust and confidence of our clients. We would like to thank them for their continued support and feedback, which motivate us to strive for excellence and innovation in our practice."

He added, "We are also excited to welcome a stellar lineup of international arbitration specialists from the Greater China region and Southeast Asia, who have joined our team in the past year. Each of them brings decades of invaluable experience and insights to our practice, further enhancing our capabilities and reach. With their addition, alongside our already extensive portfolios, we are well-positioned to handle the most complex and challenging disputes for our clients worldwide."

More information on Rajah & Tann Asia’s International Arbitration Practice can be found here.

Visit Arbitration Asia, a one-stop arbitration website which spotlights on Asia: https://arbitrationasia.rajahtannasia.com/


About Rajah & Tann Asia – https://www.rajahtannasia.com/

Rajah & Tann Asia brings together leading law firms and lawyers in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam, with each offering the highest standards of service to locally-based clients while collectively having the capability to handle the most complex regional and cross-border transactions and to provide excellent legal counsel seamlessly across the region. With more than 1,000 fee earners, all working towards one shared goal, we are lawyers who know Asia and who give our clients home advantage.