For the 2nd year running, Rajah & Tann Singapore and Assegaf Hamzah & Partners have won the Firm of the Year awards for Singapore and Indonesia respectively at the Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific Awards 2021.
Singapore also won Shipping Firm of the Year and 2 Impact Case awards, one of which involved the first-ever recognition of Singapore’s moratorium law in a landmark ruling by a UK court. We were named Runner Up for Competition/Antitrust Firm of the Year and 2nd Runner Up for White-Collar Crime Firm of the Year.
Eri Hertiawan. SH, LLM, MCIArb, Joint Head, Litigation and Dispute Resolution was named Lawyer of the year for Indonesia while Chandra Hamzah, Co-founder of the firm was named Runner up in the same category.
Dr Chau Huy Quang, Managing Partner of Rajah & Tann LCT Lawyers was recognised as Lawyer of the Year for Vietnam.
Andre Yeap, SC, Head of International Arbitration, was named 2nd Runner up for International Arbitration Lawyer of the Year.