MOM Announces New SAFE Measures for More Sustainable WSH Outcomes

Amidst an increase in workplace fatalities, the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM“) announced the implementation of a Heightened Safety Period (“HSP“) on 1 September 2022 as an urgent call to employers to prioritise safety and minimise workplace fatalities. The HSP was due to end on 28 February 2023, but was later extended by three months to end on 31 May 2023 instead.

On 23 May 2023, MOM confirmed that the HSP will not be further extended. Going forward, the Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce (“MAST“) will retain some HSP measures and implement new SAFE (Safety Accountability, Focus and Empowerment) measures to strengthen workplace safety and health (“WSH“) ownership on a sustained basis at the sectoral, company, and worker levels.

These measures will be implemented progressively over the next six to 12 months to allow for industry consultation and lead time for companies where required.

SectoralRetention of MAST as a standing committee to study and implement further measures to foster a stronger WSH culture.


For the construction sector:

  • More stringent safety requirements for Government Procurement Entities’ construction tenders to incentivise good safety performance and align businesses’ interests with WSH. Although further details will be released after an industry consultation, this will comprise (i) a set of harmonised WSH criteria for public construction and construction-related projects; (ii) a minimum safety weightage for tender evaluation; and (iii) additional WSH requirements for public construction projects above a certain Estimated Procurement Value.
  • Video Surveillance Systems must be installed at high-risk worksite locations for project values equal to and above S$5 million.

Details to be released by the authorities

June 2024

For the manufacturing sector:

  • The Demerit Point System for the construction sector will be expanded to the manufacturing sector.
  • Ensuring safe use of machineries and combustible dusts.

October 2023

June 2024

CompanyRetention of certain HSP measures, such as requiring chief executives (“CEs“) to personally account to MOM and attend the new Top Executive WSH Programme (“Programme“) where serious WSH lapses have occurred.Immediate

Attendance at the Programme will also be required of CEs and Board Directors of all companies in higher-risk industries, namely the construction, manufacturing, transport & storage and marine industries.

March 2024
Ramping up Enhanced Workplace Health Surveillance programme in order to detect exposure to excessive noise and reduce workers’ risk of noise-induced deafness.May 2023

Increasing support for small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) to seek consultation on WSH matters and gain access to WSH resources.

June 2023
WorkerEquipping workers with updated WSH knowhow through a new online component in the Safety Orientation re-certification assessment.January 2024
Encouraging reporting of unsafe practices through the launch of a National WSH campaign.May 2023

For advice on how the new SAFE measures may apply to your company, please contact our partners from our Employment Law and Construction and Projects practices.

For more information, click on the following links:


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