Rajah & Tann Singapore has contributed to the Singapore chapter of Equity Finance 2024 guide published by Chambers and Partners.
As an international financial hub, Singapore offers, among others, a robust regulatory framework and strategic location that attracts a myriad of domestic and international companies. The Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST“) stands at the heart of these markets, facilitating initial public offerings (IPOs), secondary listings, secondary offerings and other equity-related activities. Listing on SGX-ST allows companies to gain access to a deep pool of international investors and benefit from Singapore’s strong financial infrastructure. In this chapter, Evelyn Wee (Deputy Head, Corporate and Transactional Group; Head, Capital Markets Practice), Tracy Ang (Deputy Head, Mergers & Acquisitions Practice), Tan Mui Hui (Deputy Head, Capital Markets Practice), Hoon Chi Tern (Deputy Head, Capital Markets Practice), and James Chan (Partner, Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions Practice) provide an overview of the equity capital market landscape in Singapore, as well as latest legal information on equity finance. They also offer in-depth insights into the key trends and legal developments that have shaped equity finance transactions this year. The topics discussed in this chapter include:
Law and Practice
- Equity Finance Techniques and Structures
- The Equity Finance Market
- Regulation and Related Legal Issues
- Tax
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Trends and Development
- Secondary listings
- Singapore-listed real estate investment trusts (S-REITs): M&A activity
- Key environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainability requirements
- Privatisations and delistings
- Revitalising the Singapore stock market
- Enhancing Listing Rules on restructuring and trading resumption processes
The full Singapore chapter can be read here.
Find out more about our Capital Markets Practice here and our Mergers & Acquisitions Practice here.
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