Rajah & Tann Singapore is pleased to announce that 14 of our lawyers have been appointed by the Ministry of Law to serve as assessors under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act. They were appointed by the Minister for Law to resolve disputes arising from the application of the Act. The Assessor will decide whether the case is one to which the relief under the Act applies and will seek to achieve an outcome that is just and equitable in the circumstances.
S/No. Lawyer
1. Aleksandar Georgiev
2. Alvin Tan Yong Joon
3. Alyssa Leong
4. Benjamin Teo
5. Clement Chan
6. Devathas Satianathan
7. Dominique Lombardi
8. Kevin Tan
9. Lionel Tay
10. Matthew Koh
11. Nur Rauda Mohamed Said
12. Pamela Wong
13. Phang Hwee Guang
14. Yip Li Ming