SGX-Listed Issuers Must Review, Assess and Disclose Exposure or Nexus to Sanctions-Related Risks

The Singapore Exchange Regulation (“SGX RegCo“) has issued a set of guidance notes on what an issuer should do if the issuer, or any person or entity closely associated with the issuer, is exposed to sanctions-related risks. An issuer refers to a company or other legal person or undertaking (including a real estate investment trust (REIT)) whose securities have been admitted to listing on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) or are the subject of an application for. The SGX RegCo guidance was issued following from an announcement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 5 March 2022 which states that Singapore is imposing sanctions and restrictions against Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine (“Russian Sanctions“).

This Update provides a summary of the SGX RegCo guidance titled “Regulator’s Column: What SGX expects of issuers in respect of sanctions-related risks, subject or activity” dated 7 March 2022 and distils the steps that an issuer has to take to comply with the SGX RegCo guidance with reference to the Russian Sanctions.

For more information, click here to read the full Legal Update.


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