Confidential information such as trade secrets, proprietary know-how, strategy documents, technical drawings / plans, financial data and customer lists often constitute the most valuable assets or ‘crown jewels’ that a business or company owns. What happens however when an ex-employee misuses the company’s confidential information—particularly if it results in the loss of a key business contract to a competitor? What legal recourse does the company have and what kind of compensatory damages can the company recover against the ex-employee? This was the situation that the plaintiff company in the recent Singapore High Court case of Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd v Yee Heng Khay (alias Roger) [2021] SGHC 168 found itself in.
This Update provides a summary of the case, highlights the key aspects of the Court’s decision, and offers practical insights and suggestions for consideration.
For more information, click here to read the full Legal Update.