In furtherance of ensuring consumer protection and the promotion of fair competition under the Law on Consumer Protection, the Ministry of Commerce issued Prakas No. 0067 P.N.A.KBB.PRK on Unfair Contract Clause (“Prakas“) on 1 March 2022. It will be implemented within six months after the date of its issuance.
The Prakas sets out the requirements for standard form contracts and the penalties for non-compliance with these requirements. The Prakas applies to all types of standard form contracts for the provision of goods and/or services to the consumer in Cambodia, which is defined under the Law on Consumer Protection as a person who acquires goods or services for personal, domestic or household use, and not for re-sell or for commercial purposes.
In this Update, we briefly highlight some key aspects covered under the Prakas.
For more information, click here to read the full Legal Update.