Five Years On: The Development of Arbitration Laws and Institutions in Myanmar

It has been five years since Myanmar enacted its Arbitration Law 2016 to begin its journey of modernising its legal framework to promote arbitration as a viable mode of alternative dispute resolution in Myanmar. Over the past five years, whilst important strides have been taken to move forward on the development of the necessary framework and institutions, significant roadblocks have also been encountered, most recently with the COVID-19 pandemic and the military coup. 

In this Update, we will take stock of the current development of arbitration in Myanmar, covering (a) the legislative framework; (b) the domestic arbitral institution, namely the Myanmar Arbitration Centre; (c) the recognition and authentication of Myanmar arbitral awards in foreign jurisdictions; and (d) the treatment of arbitration processes by the Myanmar Courts. 

For more information, click here to read the full Legal Update.


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